Cavalier wins 3rd Corona Cup

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In 2020 it was the boat Cavalier which won the 1st Corona Cup.
Last year this cup went to the Blue Marlin 3.
But today it was again the Cavalier who could add this cup to their list of honours.

After a tie on the first day of this competition, the decision had to be made on this second fishing day.

For a long time it looked like the fight would be undecided, until the Cavalier reported a hook-up at 2:30 pm which was rewarded after 30 Minutes with an estimated 700lb Blue Marlin.

Our congratulations go to angler Johnny Slor who can write this beautiful release to his name.

Then there was also a moment of excitement on the Blue Marlin 3, where also a hook-up was reported. Unfortunately, the party was short-lived here, as this fish spit the hook quite quickly.

Thanks again to the crew of the boats Cavalier and Blue Marlin 3 and of course the sports fishermen Johnny Slor and Klaas Westerhof.
We would of course like to see both fishermen again next year to compete for the 4th Corona Cup.

The awards ceremony and farewell dinner will take place tonight at El Gaitero restaurant in Puerto Rico.

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