Corona Cup 2020 - 1st day

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Today we fished the first day of the Corona Cup 2020.

Cavalier fished with Jos van Loo and Eric Pos.
FishOn fished with Klaas Westerhof and the writer of this Latest News as guest.

Eric & Jos caught on the Cavalier two Skipjack Tuna in the first hour.
Around 11 o`clock they missed
unfortunately, a bite of a White Marlin.
A little later, Eric managed to catch a small Yellowfin tuna.

Both anglers achieved 53 match points on this day

Klaas was today only interested to catch a Blue Marlin and was trolling with three 80lb and two 130lb rods.

But unfortunately the Blue Marlin failed for him on this first match day, so he ended without any competition points.

That the Blue Marlins are still present was confirmed today by the boat Bluefin who released two of them.
Also yesterday afternoon two Blue Marlins were caught & released by one of the private boats.

The second day for the Corona Cup will be fished on Thursday


Blue Marlin - 500 points - release

Bluefin Tuna - 450 points - release

White Marlin - 50 points - release

Spear fish - 50 points - release

Big Eye Tuna - 30 points + 1 point per kilo

Yellow Fin Tuna - 30 points + 1 point per kilo

Albacore Tuna - 20 points + 1 point per kilo

Wahoo - 20 points + 1 point per kilo

Dorado - 10 points + 1 point per kilo

Skipjack Tuna - 5 points + 1 point per kilo

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