Filleting a Bigeye Tuna

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I often get asked what we do with the fish which we bring in to the harbour.

First of all, I would like to let everyone know that we are very much in favor of catching and then releasing our caught fish.

This applies to the Blue and White Marlin, the Spearfish, the Bluefin Tuna, all Shark species, all Rays and many different smaller fish species.

Selling our caught fish is prohibited by Spanish law.

The Bigeye tuna on this video may therefore only be used for personal use.

And when the freezers of the crew and their family are filled again, the next tuna caught is neatly released.

The next day the carcass of the fish is towed out of the harbor.

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Then give me a call +34 607 913 313 or send a message by whatsapp or e.mail?

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