Puerto Rico 6 November 6.30 pmANGELSHARKSToday there

Puerto Rico 6 November 6.30 pmANGELSHARKSToday there

Puerto Rico 6 November 6.30 pmANGELSHARKSToday there Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Written by:
, 6 November 2007

Puerto Rico 6 November 6.30 pm

Today there were caught 5 Angelsharks/Monkfish on two boats.
The Angelshark is not really a strong fighter, but it is a beautiful fish to catch.
This fish is a crossbreed between a ray and a shark.

The Photo of the Day is for Arjen van Duin from Holland, who fished today on the Blue Marlin 3 and who caught two of these beautiful Angelsharks.

Also caught today different Rays, one Atlantic Bonito and one Barcuda


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