Shark tiger

Shark tiger Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

Kraakbeenvissen Canarian Fishes
Galeocerdo cuvier
Canarian name: Tintorera
Dutch name: Tijger haai
English name: Shark tiger
Spanish name: Tiburon Tigre
Danish name: Tigerhaj
German name: Tigerhai
Swedish name: Tigerhaj
Finnish name: Tiikerihai
Norwegian name: Tigerhai
Italian name: Squalo Tigre
French name: Requin Tigre
Portuguese name: Tabarao tigre
Hungarian name: Carcharias
Polish name: Zarlacz-tyrysi

max. 750 centimeter

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22/04 - MORE MORE MORE!!!!! - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria

22/04 - MORE MORE MORE!!!!!

22 April 2024 - Great day on both boats!!! Another Bluefin tuna has been catched and Released on the Cavalier today! This time the Bluefin tuna had a approximately weight of 260kg and took the fisherman a 22... read more »

21/04 - MORE BLUE FIN TUNA!!! - Cavalier & Blue Marlin Sport Fishing Gran Canaria


21 April 2024 - Once again big bluefin tuna has been catched and released today on the Cavalier!! After a 1,5 hour fight the fisherman got him to the boat. Approximately weight: 325kg! Congratulations to... read more »

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